
PROFILE LAST UPDATED: 1st January 2022.

I’m Tez Miller, from Tez Says. Most posts are book-related, focusing on fiction for both adults and YA. Current favourite sub-genres include mystery, thriller, crime, suspense, and noir. Other reads include urban fantasy, futuristic, dystopian, and general fiction.

My Goodreads is my most regularly updated book-hub – everything read, everything wishlisted, etc. Includes star-ratings, and any thoughts – especially those too short to officially enter into NetGalley.

Twitter, Facebook, and my blog (WordPress) are where to go for pre-order links, monthly release links.

Amazon has changed their rules over the years, so I can only cross-post reviews to Amazon UK.

Twitter followers: 1549.
GoodReads Friends: 745. (Followed by 214 more.)
Facebook Friends: 445. (Followed by 98.)
Instagram Followers: 438.
WordPress: 341 subscribers. Monthly average page visits: 398.
Amazon UK: 1 follower. Amazon UK reviewer ranking: #210,176.

6 responses to “Biography

  1. I got a click note from to your site. What fun! And impressive.

    I’m sending you an e-mail, if you manage to find it!

    Thanks! Meg

  2. Yes, I found your message, and have replied.

    Have a lovely day! 🙂

  3. Anyone who has an avatar that says Don’t be a Tosser is ok in my book!

  4. Hi! I found your blog via the Australian Book Bloggers Directory! I love meeting fellow book bloggers, even more so, Australian book bloggers! Nice to meet you! 🙂

    And the plot thickens…

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